Story for today

February - Seeds - April - deutsch - français

1st March: The real problem
2nd March: It is impossible to repair man!
3rd March: The solution: Man has to be renewed
4th March: A disastrous choice
5th March: Overcoming discouragement
6th March: Language of creation
7th March: Prayer
8th March: Tomorrow it may be to late tomorrow
9th March: Look at the simple things (1)
10th March: Look at the simple things (2)
11th March: Look at the simple things (3)
12th March: Look at the simple things (4)
13th March: Conscience
14th March: 4 questions why
15th March: Investing
16th March: Remove the world's sin
17th March: A big scale
18th March: Towards a new society
19th March: Discerning God's intervention
20th March: Water separating line
21st March: A word deleted from vocabulary
22nd March: One foot in the tomb
23rd March: Christianity according to the taste of the day
24th March: Was it a fairy tail?
25th March: Escape the next world
26th March: I want to turn the page
27th March: Haendel's last moments
28th March: Satan's lies
29th March: Levons la tête
30th March: Our priorities
31st March: Our only right

The heart of your child is like a big reservoir which needs to be filled continuously. There are three means to do this: your time, your understanding and your love.

World in March

Efforcez-vous de ne pas avoir un emploi du temps trop chargé afin de pouvoir profiter avec votre enfant des moments inattendus et parfois si riches d'expériences ou de partage.

Try to understand your child in listening to him seriously. Everything he says is very important for him. Understanding and commmunication go together.
February - seeds - April - deutsch - français