In the Bible God reveals himself as the Creator of the universe, as him who loves and who is perfectly righteous.
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![]() 10th March Look at the simple things (2) Whom shall we believe? This means that God is not responsible for any unrighteousness nor lack of love; the origin of our sufferings is elsewhere. ![]() If God is God and man is his creature then it is vain to ask man to explain God but it is wise to ask God to explain man. Why should we believe? Man is created by God and therefore not only a discerning arrangement of molecules but he also possesses life and capacity to communicate with his Creator. The Bible teaches us the origin of our problems: man has broken his relationship with God by disobeying him. Nowadays man looks for lost happiness in a confused way. This happiness can only be found in a living relationship with God. Bible speaks in plain language and tells us that man is lost. Do we only have hopelessness in front of us when we think about an eternity far away from God? Could God not do anything? God has already done a lot. |