While we wait for the blessed hope - the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good. Titus 2, 13 & 14

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23rd March

Christianity according to the taste of the day

Many people think that christianity is destined to make the world pleasant to live. It is undeniable that the christian religion has contributed a lot to morality and to social progress. We find an example in the letter to Titus. There we see the results of christianity on all kind of people: old people, young people, masters, servants, in mariage, in servitude and in freedom. Under all circumstances it would be normal if Christians would be the ornament of the teaching given by God our Saviour (Titus 2, 10). However, social progress is the result of christianity but not it's goal.

World tires itself out to get happier but without succes. It takes greatest care for oiling it's wheels of it's pendulum without making it work. World does not have life and does not have Jesus Christ.

God did not come to help men to improve as they would like it to be. He came to save them. The Lord only has these two characters: judge and saviour. As a judge he is righteous and cannot let anything pass by. As a saviour he can forgive him who repents and who believes. If we are believers then our life will be in accordance with the salvation which we have. It will also illustrate God's teaching. Jesus then becomes our master.

Our life allows us more than our words to reflect a little bit of God's love.

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