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24th March

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5, 6 & 8

Was it a fairy tale?

Fabien was reading the narrative of the death of Jesus in the gospel.

  • His father tells him that this is not a reading for you, it is only a fairy tale!
  • Daddy, one is speaking about somebody who has been beaten and who has been nailed to a cross. Is this not a true story? Was he an evil man?
  • Don't worry about this, give me back this book and stop asking me your questions. Go outside and play.

The boy was deeply touched by his reading and his father felt uncomfortable.

A few days later Fabien is in bed with high fever. In his delirium he repeats: "Why did they kill him?" His father explains to the intrigued doctor: "It is a story which he read before getting ill." During the night while he is watching over his son he thinks about his lie again and feels more and more guilty for having forgotten God; he sees himself as he is, a superficial man, a sinner in front of God... When the child opens his eyes the father tells him gently: "You know Fabien, the story you read the other day is a true story."

The father was touched and hugs him: "He died for you and me to save us and to prepare a place for us with him in heaven." He tells his son the nice true story of the Lord Jesus.

Next story: Escape the next world