Story for today

May - Seeds - July - deutsch - français

1st June: What is faith?
2nd June: Not a belief but faith
3rd & 4th June: Human intelligence and Christian faith
5th June: God's window
6th June: Jude pledges to betray his Master
7th June: Quadrichromy
8th June: Happy are those who are pure of heart
9th June: The globe
10th June: Actuality of Ecclesiastes
11th June: Happy are the merciful
12th June: En vérité cet homme était juste
13th June: My beloved Son
14th June: Does nobody see me?
15th June: The news
16th June: Great divisions in human history
17th June: Joseph of Arimathea
18th June: Are we prepared to question our lives?
19th June: Opinions of search
20th June: Say only one word
21st June: Facing death
22nd June: Tomorrow everything will be better
23rd June: Has she really lost everything?
24th June: Jesus visits Zacchaeus in his house
25th June: Adoption
26th June: False and true freedom
27th June: Idol of Meng
28th & 29th June: Fear
30th June: Spread the Gospel with all means

A 5 year old child has acquired fundamental rules of language, his conscience wakens up but he does not know how to behave. A 5 year old child should not be punished severely!

Le monde en juin

A cet âge le caractère de l'enfant est encore malléable. Profitons-en pour poser des fondements solides et inculquer les valeurs auxquelles nous croyons.


Dès 7 ou 8 ans, l'enfant est apte à réfléchir aux choix qu'il doit faire. Nous pouvons l'aider à prendre confiance en lui même en le responsabilisant et en l'encourageant.

May - seeds - July - deutsch - français