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alarm clock

15th June

Then they said to each other, "We're not doing right. This is a day of good news and we are keeping it to ourselves. If we wait until daylight, punishment will overtake us. 2 Kings 7, 9

The news

cup of tea or coffeeThe day starts. Quickly one listens to the news by drinking his coffee or tea. For almost everyone the current life would hardly be possible if one were not kept informed on the small and large events. According to the occupation one exerts, one needs to know the weather, the current exchange rates, the measures concerning traffic, the supply, the new laws and all that is essential to know. But beyond the need for information, a big part is natural curiosity for everything which occurs.

However, the holders of the most significant and happiest news are not the journalists, but the Christians. God made them carriers of his messages. We should blame ourselves for too often keeping it to ourselves. When we open a newspaper or turn the button of the radio, we should say to us: it will teach me something which happens in the world, but I have to make known the eternal truths; it will speak to me about the facts and the gestures of people who pass away on earth, but I have to announce the virtues of him who can bring men and women from darkness into his marvellous light (1 Peter 2, 9).

And instead of us getting into chatterings and useless comments, we should more often always maintain on the fresh and good "news" of the grace God.

Next story: The great divisions in human history