Zacchaeus was a Roman tax collector and despised by his jewish compatriots.
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![]() 24th June Jesus said to him: " Zacchaeus, come down immediately, I must stay at your house today. ... Today salvation has come to this house ... For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. Luke 19, 5, 9 & 10 Jesus visits Zacchaeus Zacchaeus was a Roman servant. Because of this he was despised by his jewish compatriots. Zacchaeus was a tax collector and he wanted to see Jesus. He would have been satisfied with seeing him passing by. This is why he climbs on a tree on the roadside. He only wanted a short view of Jesus and to stay hidden. |
Is a short visit to church or a brief lecture of such an Internet page enough? No, not at all! You need to have a personal contact from heart to heart with the Saviour. You have to listen to his voice.
"Zacchaeus come down quickly ; today I have to come into your house (Luke 19, 5). It is an urgent necessity which does not support any delay: "quickly ... today" Zacchaeus must not keep this furtive vision. He needs to have a personal meeting with the Saviour.
When Jesus enters our life he brings us salvation: "Today salvation has come to this house" (v. 9). Zacchaeus thought he could assert his good acts: ".I will give the half of my goods to the poor" (v. 8). The most important thing is to receive salvation, grace and forgiveness which the Saviour gives.
Only Jesus and the value of his blood poured out on the cross can assure an eternal salvation to everybody who believes in him. Only then will our good works follow.