Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Everyone who sins is a slave to sin. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8, 32 & 34 & 36
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![]() 26th June False und true freedom Young people sometimes say: "Our parent's generation was full of restrictions: religion, parent's authority, hierarchy and morality. Let us break down the chains and live in freedom!" Do you believe you can free yourselves from the preconceptions, the taboos, the masters? In reality you surrender to Satan. Satan is a clever operator like the one who shows puppets. He shoots on your sons who make you handle and run: all kinds of untidiness, money which has been earned dishonestly, sexual freedom, unscrupulous ambitions. He gives you bad desires. Where does this way end? The distance between you and God extends progressively. It also leeds to everlasting death. |
The Bible tells us a story of a young man who wanted to live his own life. He left his father's house. Was he free after he had shut the door? For a moment he believed it, when living dissolutely. In reality without knowing, he obeyed him who darkens the thoughts of men, i.e. the devil. Then when famine appears, Satan, this hard master uses him to look after his porc and "nobody gave him anything" (Luke 15, 11 - 24).
Dear young people happiness is not in satisfaction of all your desires but only in Jesus Christ. He gives true freedom through his death and resurrection to all them who come to him: he releases from sin, therefore he has destroyed the rights of Satan on us by his sacrifice on the cross.