Story for today

December - Seeds - February - deutsch - français

1st January: A new beginning
2nd January: After the party
3rd January: Greatness of the Gospel
4th January: Obeying the prince of life
5th January: Can we verify?
6th January: Six advices for reading the Bible
7th January: A sad family
8th January: One needs to be born again
9th January: Faith
10th January: What is man?
11th January: How are you?
12th January: 100th birthday
13th January: Where does evil come from?
14th January: Questionings
15th January: Wind and waves
16th January: His company in prison
17th January: Plan of the Bible
18th January: Different thoughts
19th January: Where is the way?
20th January: Wonders
21st January: Only one life to live
22nd January: On top of a volcano
23rd January: The film of your life
24th January: Unique in his eyes
25th January: Autour d'un chef incontesté
26th January: Several churches or one church?
27th January: Mary's parfum
28th January: God is Creator and Redeemer
29th January: At the cross: Jesus is the human man
30th January: Rich without knowing it
31st January: God is righteous and a Saviour

Human beings need relationships. It is by communicating that we get to know the other person and his needs.

When we speak we can express our expectations, our hopes, our feelings in order to be known and understood. We need to listen to understand the person who is speaking.


We can Nous pouvons nous remettre en cause et changer d'opinion. Cela demande beaucoup d'amour et d'humilité. C'est une des richesses de la communication.

December - Seeds - February - deutsch - français