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2 questions: 1 choice

15th February

2 questions: 1 choice

There are two insolvable questions for human intelligence yet they are very important. God only can answer these questions and he does this in his word, the Bible.

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The first question is the question of sin: How can a guilty man who carries a righteous condemnation be forgiven in order to be in peace with the holy God? By believing in Jesus who made peace through his blood, shed on the cross (Colossians 1, 20). In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace (Ephesians 1, 7).

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The second question is the question of what happens after death. This question only finds it's answer in the Bible. Two categories of men are distinguished in the Bible: those who die as believers and those who die as unbelievers. The first category: their soul goes near to Jesus and rests in expectation of glory. The second category: there is no more hope left for salvation but a tragic certainty of everlasting condemnation (Luke 16, 25 & 26).

It is possible that you find this plan to simple; maybe you would like more differences or more varieties in the offered choices. However, it is so; God is sovereign and no thinker or philosopher will impose their system to God. God revealed these things to us so that we can choose our destiny for eternity from now on. Have you made this choice?

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