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24th August ![]() After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it. Mark 16, 19 & 20 Ascension Men cannot raise themselves to God. In order to make himself known to his creatures God has given them the image of himself which is accesible: Christ, his son, a godly person who was born in body like ours. Jesus Christ's life was caracterized by the presence and the action of the Spirit. He was conceived, filled and led by the Holy Spirit during his life. ![]() The angels are present at his birth, serve him after the temptation in the desert, support him in the olive garden and are near the tomb at his resurrection. However, the Bible reveals to us that he was made a little lower than the angels because of his death (Hebrews 2, 9). After his resurrection and before his ascension to heaven, Jesus, the Son of God entrusts his disciples with the job to preach to all nations that his name is the only one by which man can be saved. Still today God's salvation through Jesus Christ is proclamed to the most remoted tribes. Men from every tribe and language and people and nation (Revelation 5, 9) will believe in him and receive everlasting life. Christ demeaned himself and got crucified to reveal God in his love and holiness. God also receives the answer to Christ's suffering and to his shame: he is raised to heavenly glory, to the right hand of his majesty. |