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![]() 1st October Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. 1 Timothy 1, 15 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that - and shudder. James 2, 19 Not only believing that God exists but trusting him The majority of people, if you ask them the question, will be of the opinion that there can well be something else than this momentary life, but after all it is not necessary to fear this unknown. One believes in God. Is this not enough? One admits that God exists. One awaits from him that he is indulgent with the weaknesses of the creature. One does not take time to receive his Word and to study it to have his thought about human destiny. Everybody makes their own idea. God is vague and remote. All occurs as if he did not exist. |
In fact, even the daemons believe in a God, and that does not change anything with their terrible fate fixed by an already marked judgement. God spoke to man, his creature which he loves. God wishes his creature to be happy. The Bible is the collection of his words. To believe God, is to incline oneself in front of what he says to us. His message is truth - man is a sinner in front of him - and grace - he forgives all who repent. Did God not give Jesus his Only son in his love to undergo judgement instead of us "so that whoever believes in him does not perish, but will have everlasting life" (John 3, 16).
To believe in a God, even in one single God, will never save anybody. We need to believe God. God has spoken: "See to it that you do not refuse him who speaks" (Hebrews 12, 25).