The apostle Peter clearly gives feelings which a Christian should have towards those whom he has to do with.
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23rd November Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honour the king. 1 Peter 2, 13, 14 & 17 Give to everybody what is owed to him ![]() First of all we need to respect each human creature even the least attracting or the most degraded one and realize that this one is a being which was created in God's image. We can be saddened when we see how far he has moved away from his origine and we can be impressed by stating the terrifying consequences of slavery of sin weighing on him; in spite of everything he still is a man who has God's breath in him and because of him being God's creation he has to be respected. Love for our brothers or in other words Christians goes deeper than the interest which we should have towards all human beings. It concerns love with a new character which unites those who belong to the same family. God is the Father of this family. If all of them are children of the same Father the believers should not forget that God is holy. Who can give him what is owed to him better than his children? We owe him gratitude, confidence and respect. |
And in the end on this earth God entrusts authority to men who are responsible before him. Maybe these leaders don't always honour the work which they engaged themselves to do. This is not the question. We have to be submitted to them as long as their orders don't lead us to disobey God.