The queen visited a town in England to inaugurate a new school where there were a lot of future scholars in a uniform.

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Unique in his eyes

24th January

When the ceremony was finished, there was a little girl who cried heavily. The teacher asks her: "What is happening? Did you not see the queen?" She answers: "Yes, but the queen did not see me." Obviously, the queen could not notice each child among the crowd. The girl was to young to understand.


In the era of computers, do we not often feel like only a number on a slip of paper, at social services, at the bank, maybe a number in hospital, anonymous among the crowd. At this rate we will soon think that nobody is interested in us, as nobody seems to be interested in us.

However, this is a mistake. There is somebody who knows who I am. He knows my name and he hears the least of my sjghs. David, who knew this very well, talks about this in Psalm 139, 2 & 4: "You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord." The Lord Jesus, the good shepherd, calls his own sheep by name (John 10, 3). You, you are unique in his eyes. He loves you and he says to you: "I have summoned you by name; you are mine, because I have redeemed you." (Isaiah 43, 1 & 44, 22)

Next story: In the presence of an uncontested boss