Truth is only found in God. He alone, the Creator knows everything because everything comes from him. One can only know him if he decides to reveal himself to that person.
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1st May Jesus answered: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father except through me." John 14, 6 ![]() Your word is truth. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them. John 17, 17 & 26 A book for life He started to reveal himself by using Moses and he gave his word a written and completed form throughout the centuries until it became the book of books: the Bible. The Bible is at our disposal. If we read and receive it with the help of the Holy Spirit we can enter into God's thoughts. When we progressively understand the truth we are led to leave behaviours which are not according to God's will in order to dedicate ourselves more and more to God. Therefore the Bible is not a collection of laws which God wants us to respect; it is not the "official newspaper" of God! He reveals himself by this means of communication. In the Bible we find laws, rules with foreseen punishments but we also find promises, narratives and examples which help us to understand the truth and the love of God. Over all God speaks of Jesus Christ whom he gave us as a Saviour. Through this word God invites us to submit to his will. God is perfectly holy and sovereign. He also invites us to get to know our Father better and to love him as children who enjoy life in his love. |