I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2, 20
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![]() 25th July May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6, 14 The cross: Meeting point and boarder point The cross of Jesus is placed between man who is a sinner and the holy God. At the cross I met God. I took my sins to the cross and God who is righteous and holy came to punish me. However, Jesus turned towards me and carried my sins. After he turned to God and suffered the punishment which I would have deserved. He was condemned instead of me and through his death I am saved. The cross reconciles me with God. However, the cross is also placed between the Christian and the unbelieving world. I take place beside the crucified of Calvary. I accept the scorn of this world because I wish to be near to Jesus. I see the world - however attractive it me seem - how it is when it crucified the Lord of glory. It's language has not changed: "We don't want him who reigns over us; remove him and crucify him." The world stays the same as it has always been, God's ennemy. If you wish that the world approves you then you have not really grasped the sense of your Christian life. So the cross of Jesus has two jobs: it reconciles me with God and it separates me from the world which does not want to know anything about him. You came from heaven to be offered as a sacrifice, and God is glorified through you alone: His holiness, his love, his righteousness and your cross. Jesus has magnified everything. |