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![]() 11th August By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Hebrews 11, 3 Is the theory of evolution in a crisis? As soon as children go to school they are submitted to an intellectual bludgeoning which presents the theory of evolution as a scientific acquired knowledge which is proved and indisputable; however it is only a non-verified hypothesis, "a theory in crisis", according to the title of a book written by Michael Denton, an australian biologist with a high level. Let us get rid of this idea that the theory of evolution is scientifically proved. We should remember that the changes in nature which we can observe or provoke in a laboratory are only secondary signs. A trace of the existence of intermediary forms which would prove a relationship between all kinds of living beings has not been found. Most of all nobody has been capable of imagining a possible system of evolution which would allow life from inert substances. In order to function, every living being needs a complexe structure and machinery from the beginning. Every day this discovery becomes more extraordinary. To enable life to exist and to develop, the existence of substances and energy in nature is not enough. Another fundamental element is needed: a very shrilled system of informations. This system can only come from a spirit activity, therefore from an intelligent being. Let us understand by faith that God is the author of this creation which is made for his glory and for the happiness of men. Let us praise God for this! |