The secret of Christian faith which makes it alive, happy and effective is that it is not based on a doctrine but on a person. This person is the Son of the living God. This is the difference between Christianity and several religions, sects and philosophies of our contemporaries.

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21st October

"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Matthew 16, 15 & 16

Christianity is to know and to love Christ

Christian faith doesn't only talk about deliverance but about a deliverer, not only about salvation but particularly about a Saviour. What a difference between submitting to more or less complicated rules and to take refuge near to somebody of whom one knows affection; between accepting a system and becoming attached to a person! Let us remember that our blessing resides in this that our treasures are concentrated in a person who not only was a present master and Lord living for a generation but who really is present and living for eternity.

This is really true! Him who we always find present and alive in the gospel continues to be present and alive at every moment of our life. His last words which Matthew collected were: "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28, 20). He made this promise and he keeps it.

Next story: Towards which eternity?