In the school satchels of hundreds of pupils and students in the French speaking part of Switzerland there is a somewhat strange text. It is the dedication on the first page of a series of physic books. This dedication has been worked out with all possible scientific severity! Here is this dedication:
other stories - Previous story: Listen to our God - français - deutsch - Next story: Lord, I thank you
20th December ![]() In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1, 1 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. Titus 2, 11 A well justified dedication
The surprised reader will first ask this question: Why is this text in a science book? At a time when a lot of teachers strive to instil their scholars that the idea of God as a Creator is out-of-date, we are happy to hear such a testimony. His author finds it important to tell us that he has found in this Creator a God of love, a God Saviour and a God who speaks and we need to listen to him. |