The Lord rendered everything noble, even what the world undervalues. He was poor and he rendered poverty noble. He was the son of a carpenter and he rendered manual work noble.

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29th December

Jesus made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name. Philippians 2, 7 - 9

The cross of Jesus is an unprecedented triumph

a cross

He could have had the biggest success but he did not write anything. He kept his deprivation in his speeches and in his simple style. He did not look for men's approval neither embellished his sentences. He could have astonished the scientists of his era, but he did not come for that.

Let us think about what the Lord received from the sinners. He kept his worthiness through all insults. Men who took advantage of his goodness and humility strived to cover him with shame. They spat on his holy and noble face and they hit him. Through all of this Jesus stayed the same person by keeping his worthiness and his majesty even when he had the thornbush crown on his head.

This unique man who did not need what men need to appear, saw all human waves of violence and hatred break out on him. We did not worry about the one on his right or the one on his left. He was the target of all wickedness which men are capable of. However, each treacherous hit which was invented by this wickedness brought to the fore the moral perfection of him who was exposed without defending himself. He did this because of his love for you and me and for the glory of his God and Father.

Next story: Yesterday, today and tomorrow