In the school satchels of hundreds of pupils and students in the French speaking part of Switzerland there is a somewhat strange text. It is the dedication on the first page of a series of physic books. This dedication has been worked out with all possible scientific severity! Here is this dedication:

other stories - Previous story: Listen to our God - français - deutsch - Next story: Lord, I thank you

20th December


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1, 1

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. Titus 2, 11

A well justified dedication

To you who has created all things,
To you whose works are marked by your wisdom and power,
To you who has given men intelligence which allows them to pierce some of the secrets of your creation,
To you who has revealed himself, who has spoken by your Son who became man, who has spoken and who still speaks in the Bible, the living Book,
To you who still offers men your grace and your salvation inspite of indifference, world's scorn and the murder of your son,
To you, o God, be respect and thankfulness!

The surprised reader will first ask this question: Why is this text in a science book?

At a time when a lot of teachers strive to instil their scholars that the idea of God as a Creator is out-of-date, we are happy to hear such a testimony. His author finds it important to tell us that he has found in this Creator a God of love, a God Saviour and a God who speaks and we need to listen to him.

Next story: Lord, I thank you