When a tree produces only one apple we are sure that this is an apple tree.
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![]() 22nd September There is no-one who does good, not even one. Psalm 14, 3 For a tree is recognized by its fruit. Matthew 12, 33 What fruit do we bear? In order to be able to say that the tree is an apple tree it only needs to bear one apple. This is true for every individual: it is not necessary to have committed many sins so that God declares that we are sinners, no only one sin is sufficient! In the Bible God states the following: "There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3, 22 & 23). In the world usually people are honoured because they are indebted to society for discoveries, achievements and social progress. This is why we easily imagine that God thinks in the same way and that his blessings are only for the best men. This is not true. ![]() The Bible declares that God offers his grace to all men without distinction because all men need it. He desires to freely justify every person who repents and who accepts his grace (Romans 3, 24). ![]() Why can God freely forgive, he who said that every sin will receive it's judgment? Because somebody was sent from heaven to receive God's judgment instead of us. This is Jesus, God's Son. He was sent by God himself and he came to earth; he had no sin in himself. Then he got nailed on a cross and he submitted to the punishment which we would have deserved. |