We should not imagine that the goal of Christianity is to improve the world or even human nature.

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13th April

You should not be surprised at my saying: "You must be born again." John 3, 7

Heavy genetical heritage

The proof has been more than done. God in his patience has tried everything to rehabilitate man, and man has always shown himself as a sinner. Nobody can escape this condition; today one would say in scientific terms that sin is written down in our genetical heritage. Sin is disobedience towards God, it is the proud will which leads us to avoiding the authority of our Creator. Yes, as children of Adam we all have Adam's character. However, we should not try to put our responsibility onto our ancestors; it is true that I have inherited this evil nature from them, but I myself am a sinner like them. God's law condemns me for my personal sin.

Man's pretention to improve was definitely ruined when Jesus who was perfectly obedient towards God came to earth: men rejected and crucified him.

However, everybody who believes that Jesus was crucified, resurrected and glorified in heaven can receive new life. He becomes a child of God. "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God" (1 John 3, 1)

Next story: Where are you?