If the book of Ecclesiastes would not be read under the illumination of the New Testament it would be appalling.

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What is the meaning of hard work?

10th June

Meaningless! Meaningless! says the Teacher. Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless! What does man gain from all his labour at which he toils under the sun? Ecclesiastes 1, 2 & 3

Actuality of Ecclesiastes

dead endThe book of Ecclesiastes describes the weakness of life, it encourages us to question ourselves and it sweeps away all the human supports. It reminds us of what world is without a relationship with God. It is a world without a reference for man, without an answer to the deepest need of happiness in man. Man cannot find resources in himself to really be happy because he cannot improve. Particularly, he cannot triumph over death. Therefore, everything which he is looking for is only illusion which is marked by emptiness, an empty and hopeless pursuit.

The book of Ecclesiastes is clear-sighted and realistic, it takes away the illusions. It pearces appearance to show us the reality. It's actuality is burning. In fact, today more than ever, men live for their appearance. Hustle of technical and leisure information overcomes them so strongly so that they cannot think anymore. A society which refuses God can only end up in the loss of sense, in boredom, in disgust ... and in destruction.

The New Testament shows us the difference between our part as Christians and the part described in Ecclesiastes. The Lord Jesus wants to change our lives, he wants to give us a permanent and complete joy which source and target is in God. Even death has lost it's terrifying effect. Future is no more unknown, but it is the hope to be with Christ which is better by far (Philippians 1, 23).

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